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Youth Action 2024 MLK Day of Service group packing care items for the unhoused

Reflecting on Youth Action’s Impactful MLK Day of Service 2024

Guess how we kicked off the new year? The Youth Action Way! We dove right into serving our community to honor the incredible legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and it was epic! Picture this: seven outstanding organizations and businesses, over 60 amazing volunteers from Greater Philly, and 100 care packages packed with love and essential care items.

We teamed up with some incredible organizations in Philly, including Give and Go Athletics, Kalm Konfidence, Prosperity Prep, and The W.I.T.T. Program. Together, and met at Jones Memorial Baptist Church, ready to make a real difference.

Youth Action 2024 MLK Day of Service

From kids to seniors, everyone was there, ready to roll up their sleeves and get to work, and everyone had a chance to get involved and make their mark. We packaged 100 care packages, crafted greeting cards and caring notes to include in the packages, and cleaned up the surrounding areas of our host church. Every single person was part of something special.

Youth Action 2024 MLK Day of Service young leaders crafting greeting cards

But you know what the best part was? It wasn’t just about what we accomplished on paper – it was about the connections we made and the bonds we strengthened. It was about feeling like we were part of something bigger, something meaningful.

Youth Action 2024 MLK Day of Service cleaning up trash

As we look back on our 2024 MLK Day of Service, we’re reminded of Dr. King’s words: “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” And you know what? We showed up and answered that question loud and clear.

So, as we move forward, let’s keep that spirit alive. Let’s keep being changemakers, guided by the belief that we can make a world of difference together.

Youth Action 2024 MLK Day of Service high school student holding care package

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