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Members advise Arcadia University Educators to Pursue Creativity

Left to Right: Lauren Bassett, Kiyla Armstead, and Pierce Sinclair at Arcadia University in Glenside, Pennsylvania

What do students want from their education? Grappling with this question, on Thursday, August 11th, 2011 a team of Youth Action members urged Arcadia University student educators to pursue creativity when planning their classroom tutorials

For an hour, Youth Action members Kiyla Armstead a senior at Central High School and Pierce Sinclair a senior at George Washington Carver Engineering and Science High School worked alongside other high school students on fielding questions from educators at Arcadia University on the State of Public Education in Greater Philadelphia. In addition, Kiyla a student at Central High School was responsible for recruiting one of her classmates Lauren Bassett to also volunteer for this panel discussion.

Student educators in Arcadia University’s Education Department focused their questions on the best techniques and environments for student learning. The panel fell in line with Youth Action’s current service focus on education empowerment and college readiness.

“Many teachers give a lot attention to either the best kids or the kids that are having trouble learning. However, the students in the middle receive little to no attention at all” says Pierce Sinclair of Southwest Philadelphia. Meanwhile, Kiyla of West Oak Lane noted that one of her high school’s history teachers is an example of a fine educator. She explains “he uses excellent visuals in class and relates them well to our personal lives”.

“For example, I enjoy poetry. If my English teachers would take time to think of the interests of all students then more students would find the subject even more interesting” says Pierce.

Kiyla, Pierce, and prospective YA member Lauren relished the opportunity to speak to teachers about the needs of students and techniques to improve their pedagogy. Hopefully, their words inspired the teachers in attendance to enhance their instruction.


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